Wednesday 13 January 2016

Nutrition And Digestion In Amoeba

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Nutrition In Amoeba . Amoeba is an omnivorous i.e. it feeds on smaller animals , plants  micro organisms and Fragments of larger organisms. It is microscopic single celled organism found in pond water, Amoeba has a cell membrane , a rounded Dense nucleus and many small bubble like vacuoles in its cytoplasm.

 In amoeba nutrition is holozoic. Ingestion can take at any place on the surface since regular mouth is absent. Ingestion occurs through pseudopodium. The engulfed food particles come to lie inside a food vacuole. the latter is surrounded by a membrane
                        Digestive juices are secreted into the food vacuole They act on the food and break down into simpler substance. Gradually the digested food is absorbed . The absorbed food are used for growth maintenance and multiplication.    the undigested residue of food is expelled outside by the vacuole


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